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Antonia Georgieva headshot.jpg

Hi, I'm Antonia! I am a creative professional and more than a bit of a jack of all trades and I think that's a great thing! The multifaceted nature of creativity today is something I fully embrace. I start every creative project from a point of collaboration.

While I specialize in performing arts and adaptation, I often work with creatives across disciplines to create visual narratives that resonate across time and impactful experiences for stage, screen, and beyond. From staging intimate performances, through immersive, site-specific experiences and large-scale outdoor work, I put the audience experience at the heart of what I do. Currently based in London, my background has allowed me to forge connections in the UK, the US, and Europe.

The most important thing to know about me is that I am driven by storytelling. I have a versatile, open, and collaborative approach to facilitating stories. As a script reader/editor, I have supported dozens of writers dramaturgically on their journey, and as a producer more generally I am interested in connecting with other creatives across disciplines and creating engaging events and experiences.

Get in touch if you have a story to tell and would like to learn more about how we can collaborate together.


I teach on various topics in the areas of dramaturgy, directing, and devising. I use different approaches to convey the basics of good storytelling and empower artists and makers to tell their own stories.

As a freelance facilitator, I have led workshops in-person and virtually for Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, Young Vic Theatre, Part of the Main, Collective Creative Initiative, and The Hope Theatre among others.



In my performing arts research, I specialize in queer and feminist theory, and I have studied extensively methods and approaches to adaptation in contemporary theatre. My approach often incorporates a practice-as-research model.


My MFA dissertation titled "Adieu, Adieu, Re-member Me: A Queer-Forward Practice of Adaptation Exploring Feminist and Queer Temporalities" has earned a Distinction from Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

My research has previously been presented as a part of the Theatre & Performance Research Association (TaPRA) Post-graduate Symposium.

Other Training


June 2020-Present

Re: Directing

Weekly sessions on directing delivered by Rob Icke and Lyndsey Turner

2020 Open House, M&C Saatchi

A 6-week digital training programme in marketing and strategy

2020 Plays By Post, Cut The Cord Theatre

A 12-week reading & educational programme for international plays and practices in the UK

2020 Young Vic Directing Springboard

A week-long programme for emerging directors exposing them to various directing approaches and disciplines in contemporary theatre

2019 Young Vic Dramaturgy Springboard

A two-day programme with dramaturgs and literary managers from The RSC, Young Vic, Royal Exchange and others

2019-2020 Directors Club by Directors Cut

A term-long biweekly programme of workshops for directors.

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